New Member Spotlight: Juan Lucero
Jul 29, 2019
Juan Lucero What are your earliest memories of being artistic? As a kid I remember I always like Crafts-Art at schools. When I arrived in the US 1970 I entered grammar school and I...[ read more ]

Member Spotlight: Stephanie Angelo
Jul 24, 2019
Stephanie Angelo Molly Pitcher, Acrylic on canvas What are your earliest memories of being artistic? I remember taking art class in 4th grade and completing my first painting, which was a copy of...[ read more ]

Member Spotlight: Elizabeth Rennie
Jul 17, 2019
Elizabeth Rennie Arctic Touch, Oil on canvas What are your earliest memories of being artistic? For some reason my earliest memory of doing anything art related was be drawing this super janky cat in...[ read more ]

Member Spotlight
Jul 10, 2019
Joan Politi Moon, Needlepoint What are your earliest memories of being artistic? My earliest memories of artistic identity date back to my preschool days. I loved drawing people and designing their clothes....[ read more ]
Member News | July 2019
Jul 09, 2019
Here are some of the exciting shows and events CAA Members are taking part in. If you have an exhibit, open studio, class, or call for art coming up – click here to fill out...[ read more ]