Diary of a Bake Sale Diva, Papier Mache mixed media
When was this piece created? 2018
What is the story behind this piece? This is a piece based on the true story of my experiences as bake sale coordinator for my son’s middle school.
What inspired this piece? During my years as a Boston Public School parent, wanting to bring something of that into my art practice
Is there an outside element that influenced this piece (i.e. another artist, nature, a novel, a theory, etc)?
The inequities of public education, trials of raising an adolescent son.
Is this part of a series; if so what is the series? It is part of years of artwork inspired by real-life parenting of growing children in urban Boston.
Explain/Tell us anything else you would like us to know about this specific work: This piece is 8 ft. high, 8ft. wide, 8 ft. across & includes 400 paper maché cupcakes and over 120 ft. of hand-lettered text.
What is one of your artistic goals? Illuminating the seemingly mundane stories in my life in ways that expand to take on a larger resonance.
Do you have any shows coming up? Galatea Fine Art, Feb. 2023 solo show
Ronni Komarow
I am an artist working in collage, printmaking, and book forms. I teach art & design at Lasell University & Truro Center for the Arts, Castle Hill. I am a member of Galatea Fine Art in SOWA and I work at Turtle Studios, a cooperative artists’ space in Newton.
Website: www.ronnikomarow.com