About | Jaina Cipriano is set designer and photographer creating visual metaphors for emotions she has trouble defining. Without the help of Photoshop, she builds physical environments that open her subjects up to become part of something bigger. This primes the space for an authenticity that is so visceral it brings the viewer back to their own memories.
Jaina’s work takes the shape of a dream you wake up already forgetting, tasting only the vivid edges while the center dissolves.
Her work was recently published in GRLSQUASH, Gastronomica and The Boston Herald. Jaina is has just wrapped on her first short film, “You Don’t Have to Take Orders from The Moon,” a magical realism story about darkness inside and outside us.
During quarantine Jaina has been working on a new project titled Empty Spaces. External events affect her deeply, perhaps too much. In these photos she make myself into characters that have an easier time than Jaina does expressing their current discomfort. They are able to do this without judgement by stretching out in many suddenly empty spaces. It is an experiment in finding connection in silence, even if only to oneself.
Q & A
What are your earliest memories of being artistic? When I was a in elementary school I would steal my parents cameras and use up all of their film.
When did art become a pursuit? When I turned 18 the camera suddenly felt different in my hands and I realized it was something I wanted to actively participate in instead of just following my friends around.
Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art? I went to school at NESOP and learned a lot there but I have continued my education individually and taught myself set design.
Anger, Digital photograph
How did you first become involved with CAA? I used to live in Cambridge! Took a lot of adult ed classes and discovered the gallery.
What role do you think the artist plays in society? We are here to mirror the subconscious and bring it to the surface so we can learn more about ourselves. It is always about learning and being able to communicate tough ideas in new ways.
What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium? I am a set designer and photographer. When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a photo journalist. The concept of unadulterated photos felt like absolute truth to me and nothing felt more important than that. When I began to work through my trauma my life spiraled and I began to crave control. I started designing spaces to photograph people in and the catharsis was immediate, I was connected to myself again. I have just been working bigger and better since.
What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days? These days I am working outdoors, choosing a space to be my set and then making myself into a character that exists there. I am trying to reconnect to myself and to the spaces around me as I feel Coronavirus has isolated us all immensely.
What is there to Celebrate?, Digital photograph
How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work? Yes, my work is consistently about working through childhood trauma and the magic and darkness that coexist inside of ourselves.
In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made? I love the photograph of the woman screaming in front of the fireworks. I was equal parts in love with and terrified of fireworks as a child and incorporating them into my work was thrilling for me.
What is one of your artistic goals? I strive to make big budget films and surrealist music videos where I can work on a large scale.
It’s Possible I Might Be Losing It, Digital photograph
What’s your favorite place to see art, and why? I love the community that happens at a small gallery.
Do you have any shows coming up? My show at The Griffin has been postponed until a safer time. I do have some work coming up at Dorchester Art Project’s show Emotion Revolution. I am unsure if it will be opening for an in-person viewing or not!
Website: www.jainaphoto.com
Instagram: @jainasphotography