Moment of Decision, Oil and oil pastel on linen on panel
When was this piece created? This painting was created in Summer 2021.
What is the story behind this piece? Often I paint alla prima or at consistent times and in similar conditions when I paint plein air. In “Moment of Decision,” however, I was taking on more than the 60-degree cone of vision and thought it was fitting to incorporate a longer period of time. I wove different times of day together to create an expansive compilation of time to mirror the expanded perspective.
Is there an outside element that influenced this piece (i.e. another artist, nature, a novel, a theory, etc)? The landscape of Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania directly inspired this piece as I worked from observation. Regarding specific artist influences, I was thinking a lot about Martha Armstrong’s landscapes. I was able to see some of her work firsthand at Gross McCleaf gallery during my time in PA. Those paintings stayed with me–such clarity of shape and color and a sense of joy throughout. David Hockney’s joiners were also on my mind.
Is this part of a series; if so what is the series? I have only made a few pieces in the landscape that address this idea of a composite of space and time. It is something I plan to develop into a series.
Do you have any shows coming up? Yes. A three-person show in April at Fountain Street Gallery, Boston. Also in April, I will have a few pieces in a show at Lancaster Galleries, Lancaster, PA.

Amanda Millis
Amanda Millis received her MFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design and a BA from Smith College. Her work has been recognized in exhibitions throughout the US and Australia and is in private collections worldwide. Amanda lived in Sydney, Australia from 2012-17. There she taught at ArtEst Art School and was a finalist in major national art prizes. Currently, she paints out of her studio at Waltham Mills in Waltham, MA. Amanda has been awarded painting residencies at PLAYA, the Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts, Monson Arts, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Eastern Frontier Educational Foundation, and Mount Gretna School of Art. She has been a guest critic and given artist talks at Mount Gretna School of Art and Smith College. She has a forthcoming small group show at Fountain Street Gallery and a residency and solo show in Northwest Germany.
Website: www.amandacasemillis.com
Instagram: @amandacmillis