CAA @ Canal Art Wall

CAA @ Canal Art Wall

Sponsored by BioMed Realty

The Art Wall at CAA @ Canal provides an expansive, opportunity for visual artists and organizations to engage with the public in Cambridge’s vibrant Kendall Square area.

On view | Martha Wakefield

Statement | Ethereal Nature is a collection of botanical lumens, cyano-lumens and phytogram prints.  These images are created using an historic cameraless process where the plants, soaked in a special formula, are placed on light sensitive paper and exposed to the sun.  Each one is a miracle of nature’s artistry revealing branching veins, varied edges and complex arrangements of stem and leaf.  

These one-of-a-kind prints are transient: they are not chemically stabilized to endure.  They will deteriorate, darken or fade over time through exposure to light, mimicking the fragile existence of our natural world.  The work reveals photography’s ability to frame nature and examines our complex relationship to it.    

Martha Wakefield is photographer, educator and painter based in Belmont, MA.  Her work explores the fragileness of memory, of place and the disappearing landscape.  Wakefield’s photographs have been exhibited at the Griffin Museum of Photography, Concord Arts, Cambridge Art Association and the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts.

Location | 650 E. Kendall Street, adjacent to the CAA @ Canal Gallery

Hours | Open 24/7

Past installations:

Sri Thumati (October 2, 2024 – January 8, 2025)

Jaina Cipriano (June 12 – September 13, 2024)

The Curated Fridge, juried by Jessica Burko (March 27 – May 24, 2024)

Mass Art Ceramics Program (February 16-March 14, 2024)

Alchemy of Traveling Inward (January 16-February 9, 2024)

CAA’s Sales & Rental Program (December 6, 2023 – January 9, 2024)

What If … Why Not! (November 1 – 24, 2023)

Who Do You Think You Are? (September 7 – October 11, 2023)

Pulse of the Making Portraits (July 17 – August 31, 2023)

Digital Soup – Jessica TranVo and Jael Whitney (June 5 – July 5, 2023)