(Last update: 06/16/2021) Here are some of the exciting shows and events CAA Members are taking part in. We’ve also included external opportunities & news from other organizations! If you have an exhibit, open studio, class, or call for art coming up – click here to fill out our form!
85th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft
Fitchburgh Art Museum
For more information: https://fitchburgartmuseum.org/juror-selection-2021/?fbclid=IwAR0hqEmXxEkImctL8xvZPN3dZ8yd9-21E5jYJz3gjGWwDye2tF_ov46_V6I
Featured CAA Members: Lisa Barthelson, Gregory J Barry, Chelsea Bradway, Blake Brasher, Sally Chapman, Martha Chason-Sokol, Donna Gordon, Iris Osterman, Patricia Schappler, Rebecca McGee Tuck,
Mass Cultural Council Artist Fellowship Winners
Artist Fellowship Award Winners
Mass Cultural Council
For more information: https://massculturalcouncil.org/artists-art/artist-fellowships/funding-list/
Awarded CAA Members: Claudia Ruiz Gustafson, Astrid Reischwitz
Beverly Ripple
Aggregate Abstractions and the Sea
Jane Deering Gallery
June 5 – July 5, 2021
For more information: https://www.janedeeringgallery.com
Kathryn Geismar
Under Construction
Bromfield Gallery
June 2 – 27, 2021
For more information: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/#inbox/FMfcgzGkXdDbgzfLDmqbKRmDsWXgKvKr
Solo Art Exhibit
Winchester Public Library, 1st and 2nd floors
July 1 – August 31, 2021
For more information: https://www.winpublib.org
Gallery 263
May 20 – June 19, 2021
For more information: https://www.gallery263.com/exhibitions/flora/
About | Gallery 263 is thrilled to announce FLORA. This show presents the work of 50 artists from across the United States whose art evokes the wonder of plants or questions preconceived notions about them. Enlisting photography, painting, drawing, sculpture, mixed media, printmaking, video, and installation, these artists envision and observe the role of flora in raising awareness of planetary change, considering the human condition, and making a connection with the natural world. FLORA is juried by artist Mark Dion.

Kingston Gallery
June 2 -27, 2021
For more information: http://www.kingstongallery.com/exhibitions/2021/june-on-kyeong-seong-graft.php
About | For On-Kyeong Seong, the natural world embodies beauty and ugliness. Her exhibition, Graft, is influenced by observing nature under magnification. The distinctive shapes and forms resemble unusual monstrous objects, which are then transformed into magical elements in her work. Using a sewing machine to freehand “draw” on her surfaces, her mind and hand are freed from rational control, allowing for the subconscious to surface. On-Kyeong then blends this free expression with more controlled mediums such as oil paint, mixed media, and collage to reveal abstracted natural forms.
Samantha: Stillness in the Chaos
Kingston Gallery
June 2 -27, 2021
For more information: http://www.kingstongallery.com/exhibitions/2021/june-ponnapa-prakkamakul-samatha-stillness-in-the-chaos.php
About | Ponnapa Prakkamakul reflects on the Pali word Samatha (Thai สมถะ), or tranquility of the mind through meditative activities. The word is also commonly used in the Thai language to express a lifestyle that is based on only the essentials. In her solo exhibition, Samatha: Stillness in the Chaos, Prakkamakul draws upon her background as a painter and a landscape architect to immerse herself in her surroundings. Her practice was greatly influenced by the shelter-in-place order issued in March of 2020; Prakkamakul looked outwards to find a sense of daily calm. Staying indoors, feeling disconnected from the outside world, she decided to observe and paint the morning sky looking south from her apartment window. Each morning she began her day capturing the color of the sky with a clear mind. This meditative process guided her to contemplate and reflect upon the recurrence and impermanence of life.
Prakkamakul’s meditative installation, 33 Weeks At Home, a collaged panoramic landscape of sky color at 6am from March 16 to October 31 in 2020, covers three walls of the center gallery. Also on view is Universe Within, a stereographic collage of the sunrise at the Atacama Desert in Chile.
Material Witness
Fountain Street Gallery
June 2 – 27, 2021
For more information:
About | My upcoming show will feature raw, emotional constructions formed with incongruous materials. I explore the coexistence of pain and joy by putting disparate materials in tension with one another. Inspired by the folds of rosin paper, the transparency of cheesecloth, and the grit of gravel, I create metaphors for the dualities of life. In Relationship, plaster gauze holds Styrofoam precariously on structures of willow branches. – Sylvia Vander Sluis
Clippership Wharf
May 10 – October 2, 2021
For more information: https://www.clippershipwharf.com/art/?utm_source=vanity-clipartboston-com
Featured CAA Members: Katherin Miller (Artist), Jeannie Motherwell (Artist), Wendy Prellwitz (Artist), Christine Palamidessi (Curator)
Pandemic Lens created by CAA Member, Steve Bennett features artwork by artists that express their reaction to these surreal times and their vision of what the days and years ahead might look like.
Featured CAA Members so far:
- Nilou Moochhala
https://pandemiclens.com/2020/09/16/the-virus-series/ - Susan Kottler (3 posts)
https://pandemiclens.com/author/skottler/ - Tanya Hayes Lee (4 posts)
https://pandemiclens.com/author/thlee/ - Anne Beinecke (2 posts)
https://pandemiclens.com/author/abeinecke/ - Nancy Crasco
https://pandemiclens.com/2020/08/17/reimaged/ - Steve Edson (3 posts)
https://pandemiclens.com/author/sedson/ - Jaina Cipriano
https://pandemiclens.com/2020/09/25/empty-spaces/ - Susan Seifer
https://pandemiclens.com/2020/10/02/shelters/ - Kathryn Geismar
https://pandemiclens.com/2020/10/19/socially-distanced-painting/ - C. J. Lori (10 posts)
https://pandemiclens.com/author/cjlori/ - Adriana Prat (3 posts)
https://pandemiclens.com/author/aprat/ - Jim Kociuba
https://pandemiclens.com/2020/10/27/new-normal/ - Kim Triedman
https://pandemiclens.com/2021/01/21/life-on-the-inside/ - Peter Erickson
https://pandemiclens.com/2021/02/16/on-the-bridge-of-sighs/ - Jane Sherrill
https://pandemiclens.com/author/jsherrill/ - Rebecca McGee Tuck
These may be opportunities from outside organizations. Please look at the information links to see who to contact.
Kingston Gallery – Emerging Artists Program
Call For Artists
Submission Deadline: June 20, 2021
More Information: http://kingstongallery.com/about/emerging-artist-program.php
The Emerging Artist program was conceived to act as a stepping stone for an artist early in their career, into the professional art world of exhibiting and operating an artist-run gallery.
The gallery will help an emerging artist show a body of new work in a professional setting. The emerging artist will be connected with experienced mentors who will educate them on the practical aspects of everyday art gallery business. The initiation fee and monthly dues are waived. By the end of the emerging artist’s tenure, the commitment to the gallery culminates in a one-person show in our Center Gallery.
Kingston Gallery – Gallery Membership
Call For Artists
Submission Deadline: June 16, 2021
More Information: http://kingstongallery.com/about/membership.php
Full Gallery members receive a solo exhibition every two and a half years in the Main Gallery and a solo exhibition in the Kingston Project Space (a small space for new work) in alternating years.
Membership responsibilities include attending monthly meetings, staffing the gallery once each month, helping with the ongoing running of the gallery by joining a committee (administration, marketing, operations, treasury, etc.), and dues of $120/month. A one-time commitment fee of $200 is payable upon acceptance as a full member.
STUDIOS AVAILABLE: Jerome Street Studios, West Medford, MA
Studios Available
More Information: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPx4q9EMhwh/
We now have TWO available art studios. I’ve been waiting to fill them until we all got vaccinated. We are now all vaccinated! Jerome Street Studios is a small cooperatively run art studio space located in West Medford MA. We currently have 4 artists working in our studios: @earlpottery @tanyahgourmet @sheilacorkeryjewelry and @stephanietodhunterart.
Studio #1 First floor
Art studio (work space only) for rent.
South facing, three large windows (one south facing, two west facing) hardwood flooring, 9ft ceiling
130 square feet
-access to water
-no open flames or toxic chemicals please
Includes everything (heat, electric, water, free wifi, kitchen access, use of first floor gallery, free on street parking)
Studio #2 Second floor
Art studio (work space only) for rent.
-100 square feet (about 10×10)
-two windows (one north facing, one west facing)
-access to water
-no open flames or toxic chemicals please
Includes everything (heat, electric, water, free wifi, kitchen access, use of first floor gallery, free on street parking )
If you are interested in renting a studio please DM @stephanietodhunterart or email me at stephtodhunter@gmail.com for more information.
The Umbrella Arts – 2021 Art Ramble
Call For Art
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2021
More Information: https://theumbrellaarts.org/art-ramble
The Umbrella Arts & Environment Art Ramble 2021 will be an outdoor art installation in the Hapgood Wright Town Forest in Concord, MA, from September 1 – November 14 in collaboration with Concord’s Division of Natural Resources (CDNR).
In keeping with this year’s thematic focus on “Air,” the 2021 Art Ramble “Something in the Air” Call for Art recognizes that Air is invisible and yet essential to life. Its quality affects our quality of life, as well as that of all living things. Our call seek works that illustrate human, animal and botanical interactions with air, and encourage exploration of the atmospheric aspects of the Hapgood Wright Town Forest.
Studio Available – Union Square, Somerville
Studio Available
More Information: Email Jan Corash jan.corash@gmail.com
The studio is 525 sq. feet with 15 foot high ceilings. It’s a white rectangle with a large window facing east; and is suitable for sharing. It’s on the 3rd floor of a well-maintained, elevator building near Union Square, Somerville. There is good security and free parking.
The studio is available in June. Rent for the full space is $1250 a month which includes heat, electricity, and air conditioning.
Brookline Arts Center – Submit an Exhibition Proposal
Call For Exhibition Proposals
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2021
More Information: https://brooklineartscenter.com/gallery/submit-an-exhibition-proposal/
The BAC’s Gallery Program features opportunities for artists to share their work in a truly unique space. Our galleries offer an environment where visitors are invited to experience exhibitions outside of the traditional white-box setting, allowing for an intimate exploration of the work. Our call for proposals encourages solo artists and groups of all levels to organize and present a professional exhibition with the guidance and support of our staff.
All exhibitions, receptions and artist talks are free and open to the public.