January 29 – May 2, 2025
UPDATED Opening Reception | Wednesday, February 19 from 6-8pm
Presented at the CAA @ Canal Gallery • 650 E. Kendall St., Cambridge MA
Juried by Jenine Shereos, American artist who uses textile techniques alongside natural and organic materials to explore the complex and tenuous relationship between humans and the natural world.
About the exhibit | The Cambridge Art Association (CAA) is pleased to invite artists 18 and older, and based in New England, to submit to our Materiality: Memory in Cloth exhibit. This exhibit is presented in conjunction with Gather 2025, a celebration of fiber art in New England. While there is not a specific theme for the call, the juror will create a theme based on the artworks submitted.
Artwork will be installed at our CAA @ Canal Gallery (650 E. Kendall Street) in Kendall Square.
EVENTS in collaboration with the GATHER Fiber Symposium
(please register for the events using the links below)
Artist Talk with Fiber Artist Jenine Shereos
Thursday, April 3 from 7-8pm on ZOOM
Weaving the Wrackline with Rebecca McGee Tuck
Tuesday, April 8 from 2:30 – 5pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery
MEND/AMEND with Winnie van der Rijn
Saturday, April 12 from 12-2pm at the Kathryn Schultz Gallery

Jenine Shereos is an American artist who uses textile techniques alongside natural and organic materials to explore the complex and tenuous relationship between humans and the natural world. While her oeuvre includes installation, photography and sculptural works, she is best known for her intricately crafted leaves stitched entirely with human hair.
The work of Jenine Shereos has been exhibited widely both nationally and internationally and included in exhibitions at Centraal Museum in Utrecht, Netherlands; Musée Jean Lurçatet de la tapisserie contemporaine in Angers, France; Museo dell’Arte Fabbrile e delle Coltellerie in Maniago, Italy; Muzeum Miasta Gdyni in Gdynia, Poland; The Montreal Center for Contemporary Textiles in Montreal, Canada; and Long Beach Museum of Art in Long Beach, California. Her work has also been featured in The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Frame Magazine, and Mary Schoeser’s publication; Textiles: The Art of Mankind.
Jenine Shereos is a recipient of the Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship in Crafts, and The Rogers Fellowship for Textile Arts at The Hambidge Center in Rabun Gap, Georgia. She is currently Assistant Professor and Program Area Chair in Fibers at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, Massachusetts.
First Name | Last Name | City | State | Website | Title | Medium | Dimensions | Price | |
Marcia | Ballou | Marshfield | CA | @Marcia_ballou | https://www.marciaballou.com/ | Nest | Stitched collage on canvas. Cotton and silk thread and painted fabric | 34″ x 34″ x 3″ | $5,000.00 |
Lisa | Barthelson | Rutland | MA | @lisa_barthelson | www.lisabarthelson.com | wired and worn on the wall 1, family debris | Sculpture: cast off, accumulated and recycled family clothing, wire and thread, monofilament loop for wall installation | 36″ x 32″ x 15″ | $2,250 |
Dave J | Bermingham | Boston | MA | davejbermingham.com | Artist’s Bio | Artist’s clothing, rhinestones, monofilament, zip-ties, MDF | 24″ x 20″ x 9″ | 3,000 | |
Martha | Chason-Sokol | Everett | MA | @chasonsokol | www.mchasonsokol.com | Lamentation | Working hot plate, garbage can lid, Bundt cake pan, colander, various pots and pans, old crock pot, hand woven yarns, working puck light with batteries, marble chips, marble dust, electrical tape, packing tape | 52″ x 20″ x 19″ | $2,600 |
Merill | Comeau | Concord | MA | @merillcomeau | https://www.merillcomeau.com/ | Mother, They, Daughter | Textiles | 24″ x 18″ x 8″ | $5,000.00 |
Sonja | Czekalski | Voluntown | CT | @sonjaczekalski.art | https://www.sonjaczekalski.com | Innards | Recycled fabrics, my old bed sheets, yarn, embroidery floss, flax paper, pulp, natural dyes, RIT dye,red wine and adhesive on canvas. | 52″ x 54″ x 8″ | $5,400.00 |
C.B. | Forsythe | Newbury | MA | cbforsythe.com | Memory Holes | Vintage white leather gloves, thread, staples, ink, thread | 24″ x 30″ | $2,500.00 | |
Darci | Hanna | Somerville | MA | @darci_hanna | darcihanna.com | A Woman’s Work is Never Done | Quilted cotton | 23″ x 23″ x 3″ | $800 |
Sarah | Haskell | York | ME | @sdhaskell | www.sarahhaskell.com | Moonlight Ride | Handwoven linen and rayon dyed with indigo, acorns, iron, madder and ceriops, cotton floss embroidery | 41.5” x 35” | $4,000 |
Mark | Heffley | concord | NH | @secondascentdesigns | https://www.secondascentdesign.com/ | #BetterThanARug – A Three Dimensional Rug | Rock climbing rope | 38″ x 20.5″ x 16.5″ | $7,500 |
Hadis | Karami | Chelsea | MA | @hadistourikarami | I Will Narrate the Eighth Labor | Mixed Media (Synthetic hair, velvet, yarn, rope, sequin, bead, mirror, wood) | 5″ x 12″ x 12″ | $6,000 | |
Kristin | Kelley-Muñoz | Harvard | MA | @kristinkelleymunoz | https://www.shakerhillsstudio.com/ | Salt Marsh | Handwoven Tapestry | 25″ x 19″ | $6,000 |
Virginia | Mahoney | Brockton | MA | @artisteach | https://www.virginiamahoneyart.com/ | Elizabeth’s Memory | Watercolor, ink, and words on paper (reclaimed old paintings) woven into reclaimed food net, steel, thread | 25″ x 14″ x 9″ | $1,195 |
Emily | Manning-Mingle | Brighton | MA | @manningmingle | manningmingle.weebly.com | Blaze | Oil pastels, thread, rubber band, handlebar tape, fabric scraps, and repurposed clothing on canvas | 10″ x 8″ | $400 |
Joetta | Maue | Somerville | MA | @joettamaue | www.joettamaue.com | Watching Stillness | Reverse needle turned applique and linen, | 25″ x 44″ | $1,800 |
Francoise | McAree | Providence | RI | @francoisemcareestudio | Shroud | Nylon, spackle, cheesecloth, thread, metal | 26″ x 15″ x 4″ | $1,500 | |
Adrienne | Shishko & MOSH Studio | Brookline | MA | @moshstudioart | https://www.adrienneart.net/mosh | Crest of the Wave | Beach debris, reclaimed fabric, plastic mesh, plastic bags, marine rope, natural fiber insulation | 40″ x 40″ x 6″ | $3,500 |
Ellen | Solari | Belmont | MA | lucyellensolari | Ellensolari.com | spring green | Fabric collage | 8″ x 8″ | $200 |
Fleur | Thesmar | Belmont | MA | @fleurtdefrance | www.fleurthesmar.com | Composition | Wool tapestry | 6.5″ x 9″ | $300 |
Rebecca McGee | Tuck | Natick | MA | @rebeccabombshellart | rebeccamcgeetuck.com | Fluvial Continuum | Repurposed denim jeans, marine debris, thread | 80″ x 18″ x 5″ | $2,800 |
Nadya | Volicer | Boston | MA | @nadyavolicer | www.nadyavolicer.com | Table Scraps | Table cloth fragments, fabric and thread | 48” x 36″ | $3,500 |
Jennifer | Warren | Andover | MA | @jen_warren1 | Bisnonna | Fiber, pasta | 20″ x 15″ | $450 | |
Gray | Winburne | Brookline | MA | @_grayse_ | https://gwinburne.com | i don’t know how to talk to you (across space and time) | Yarn and fabric | 16″ x 12″ | $650 |
Nami | Yami | Arlington | MA | @namiyamitochi | namiyamitochi.com | an egg inside an egg inside an egg | Foam, gouache, thread, satin | 12″ x 5″ x 7″ | $350 |
Kiyomi | Yatsuhashi | Winchester | MA | @kiyomi.yatsuhashi | kiyomiyatsuhashi.com | Windblown | Rozome indigo dyed silk organza | 20″ x 50″ | $500 |
Carleen | Zimbalatti | Marshfield | VT | @zimbalatticarleen | carleenzimbalatti.com | Red Radiance | Hand dyed masonry cord, birch wood, acrylic, and archival bookbinding glue | 16″ x 16″ | $750 |
- Entry Deadline | Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 5pm EST
- Artist Notification | All accepted artists will be posted on this webpage on December 19 by 5pm EST
- Exhibit dates | January 29 – May 2, 2025
- Artwork Drop-off | Thursday, January 9 from 12-4pm; Friday, January 10 from 12-4pm at the CAA @ Canal Gallery*
* Late deliveries will not be accepted. - Artwork Pick-up | Wednesday, May 7 and Thursday, May 8 from 12-4pm at CAA @ Canal Gallery*
* Late picks-up will incur a $15 per-week fee. CAA does not have storage, and artworks that need to be transported from CAA @ Canal will incur an additional $15 transport fee. All fees must be paid before or at pick-up.
For any questions or concerns regarding artwork drop-off or pick-up, please contact Candice Driver, cdriver@cambridgeart.org
- All artwork must be available for sale.
- Artwork must not exceed 60 inches on the longest side.
- Artwork must have been created within the past five (5) years.
- Work must be original, no reproductions.
- All work submitted must be available for the exhibition dates.
- Artwork that has been accepted into a CAA show within the past two (2) years will not be considered.
- Artwork must be gallery ready. Read our Art Entry Information page for more details.
- Diptychs/triptychs are considered as a single work and must be entered as a single JPEG, and must meet the size requirements of a single artwork.
- Total weight of wall-mounted work must not exceed 25lbs.
- We cannot accommodate works that hang from the ceiling for this exhibit.
- All artwork images should be a maximum file size of 5MB.
- On the submission form we have provided a Frame/Presentation image field. This image is not required. In this field an artist can upload an image of their artwork in the frame, or a second, detail image. It will be added to the online portion of the exhibition to give viewers and potential buyers an idea of what the work looks like in person and installed.
- Total weight of 3D work must not exceed 50lbs.
- Wall-mounted 3D work should meet all 2D requirements listed above.
- Artists must supply appropriate installation materials.
- The CAA has a limited number of pedestals. Pedestals can be reserved with CAA Staff upon acceptance. If artwork requires a pedestal of a specific size, the pedestal must be provided by the artist.
- For accepted video work, the artist is responsible for providing all necessary display and viewing equipment, including, but not limited to: display monitor, DVD player, USB drive, mounting hardware, remote controls, batteries.
You can submit up to three artworks
- CAA Artist + Associate + Lifetime Members | $35
- General Admission | $45
- CAA Student Members + Fee Waiver | Free
Image in header courtesy of exhibiting artist Marcia Ballou
Have questions? If you have questions after reviewing the above information, please email Associate Director, Candice Driver at cdriver@cambridgeart.org, or call us at 617.876.0246
Cambridge Art Association does not issue refunds for exhibition applications. Once submitted, changes cannot be made to any application. All applications must be entered via Submittable.
All decisions/selections are made by the juror. All decisions are final.