About | Judsine Blaisdell is an afro-latinx woman, born and raised in Boston Massachusetts. Growing up she always had a passion for art, digital media, and social activism. She is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she is studying Non-profit Arts Management and Social Justice, an individualized degree program where she handpicked classes like grassroots community organizing and nonprofit arts management to best suit her individual goals and interests. By choosing to curate her own degree program, she has not only been able to expedite the growth of the tools in her arsenal, but also preserve her ideas for soon to come future change. At the end of this semester, she will be a first-generation college student. She is still fairly new to the art space as well as the non-profit sector, but she is looking forward to learning more and developing as a professional post-graduation. When she’s not at school she is painting or playing video games.
You can send her an email at Judsine@cambridgeart.org.