Kevin Duffy
What are your earliest memories of being artistic? I loved to draw from a very early age and as a small child 4 or 5, would watch my Mother, a self taught artist, for hours on end, while she painted and chain smoked.
When did art become a pursuit? From a very early age, as well. The only thing that changed over time, was the direction and type of art, I chose to pursue.
Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art? Both. I attended art school, but many of the techniques I most frequently use in my art, have come to me, simply through the act of making art.
Piqued Cube, Granite
How did you first become involved with CAA? I first entered a number of shows as a non-member and eventually decided to join.
In what other ways are you involved in the local art community? I make and design permanent, public art. I also maintain and restore existing public art and monuments.
What role do you think the artist plays in society? I feel the artist is very similar to any one of the various compounds that make up the air we breath. And, just as all humans need oxygen to survive, human society needs artists in order to exist.
Artifact, Granite
What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium? Mostly granite. I love the challenges involved in working with this material, as well as the many untellable variations of color and texture that reside within every piece of granite.
How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccuring theme that carried throughout your work? More often, my subject matter chooses me. No reoccurring theme that I’m aware of.
In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made? The most recent.
Limb and Skin, Granite
Where’s your favorite place to see art? Outdoors
What living artists are you inspired by? Too many, to list.
Do you own art by other artists? Yes
See more Kevin!
Website: www.duffysculpture.net
Facebook: Kevin Duffy