Chris Katides is an artist and music producer, whose works are aimed at two primary objectives. One is to imbue the senses with intrigue with the use of color and shape, creating immediate value with regard to perception. The second is to combine this intrigue with concepts and material which inspire a more contemplative response. The subject matter is often a mix of paintings from life and from representations of life, but very often extends to completely imagined depictions. There is a mix of satire, reverence for art and music history, and often a boosting of something that may not have been so exciting, into something that then takes on new life through representation in oil on canvas. To be able to do this methodically and consistently is a goal that Katides strives toward..

The Annunciation, Oil on Canvas
What are your earliest memories of being artistic? In grade school, I used to draw a lot of pictures of skeletons, sometimes dressed like a king, with an ornate crown on them, and other “cool” things (according to my friends at school). This was probably partly because I had a diagram of a skeleton on the wall at home, as my mother is a surgical nurse, and had these types of things around.
When did art become a pursuit? In high school, I used to use free periods to go down to the art room and work on various projects. Getting recognition in high school validated my skills, in my mind. There was debate about who was the best artist, where people were weighing my work against one other student who had great skills.
Are you self-taught or formally educated in visual art? Self taught
How did you first become involved with CAA? I did a search on local art groups and found it to be the best.
In what other ways are you involved in the local art community? In limited other ways, I am active in the art community. It is mostly if something comes up, where there is a call for artists, such as town fairs or exhibits.
What role do you think the artist plays in society? The artist plays a large role in society, in shaping culture, which boils over to numerous other things.

Rabbit in a Garden, Oil on Canvas
What medium do you currently work in and how did you choose this medium? Oil on canvas. It is the most versatile, in my mind. I absolutely love the ability to blend and mix colors.
What is your creative process? Where are you finding ideas for your art these days? I normally just have one idea and extrapolate from it, and try, whenever possible, to make it amusing. As a matter of fact, if I feel like I am approaching something too seriously, I always feel the need to lighten it up. Lately, my inspiration has been from animals and plant life, but this changes all the time.
How do you choose your subject matter? Is there a reoccurring theme that carries throughout your work? Normally, I find something that is very challenging as well as something that I know I can work with. I have chosen things that are highly detailed, just for the challenge, but you have to really enjoy the process. The subjects can vary quite wildly.

In your opinion, what’s your best/favorite piece you’ve made? The most recent piece that I have made is Rabbit in a Garden. I think it is one of my best pieces. It was a joy to make, front to back.
What is one of your artistic goals? I aspire to put together a series sometime in the future. It is a true challenge to make a series of paintings with a consistent theme.
What’s your favorite place to see art, and why? The MFA, just to see Madame Monet in a Kimono!
What living artists are you inspired by? I’m not sure if any of my inspirations are from any living artists, but I am always amazed when I see great talent. It is often in the most unlikely places too!
Do you own any art by other artists? If so, what artists? I do not, but I think I have sketches and jokes in a notebook somewhere, from high school jokes.
Do you have any shows coming up? I have no art shows scheduled at the moment, but if anyone needs me for anything, please let me know. I am always glad to assist in pulling off a great event..

See more from Chris Katides
Website: https://katides.wordpress.com/page/2/
Instagram: @chriscrushmusic